Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Social Manifesto by a Green Guy Who Thinks He's a Bad Ass

My apologies in advance for having to take such radical actions. I feel it necessary to take such dramatic steps to make a change in this country. I am hopeful that it will. I am confident that the carbon footprint caused by my actions will make a tremendous difference in the following weeks to come.  It is my wish that I am seen as a trail blazer in taking such extreme measures to prove a point. 

Our government has become corrupt and is in dire need of restructuring. It has inflicted economic hardships affecting all people with the exception of the elite 5% of Americans who are wealthy. Therefore, until this has changed I am going to be really, really mad.

The public school system MUST change. It places far too much emphasis on teaching academic curriculum instead of raising self esteem. Is it not more important how a child feels about themselves? Parents must revolt against this system. I will no longer take my old magazines to the library exchange.

Government bailout monies given to Corporations has become an elitist financial pat on the back and rationale for giving out bonuses to the already wealthy. In protest, I will change back to the old incandescent light bulbs in my home.

Western Culture in general, has become lazy and obesity is prevalent among our youth. This taxes the health care system in very preventable ways and makes the rest of us pay far too much for health care. I am now forced to say and do unspeakable things. I am going over to my neighbor’s house right now and calling him “poopy pants” after I knock over his compost pile.

The term "family values" has become a rallying cry against the increase in nontraditional families in this country. Lack of structure and effective compassionate parenting in American homes has diminished the importance of “family” as a whole. I demand this changes radically or I will NOT take my old glasses and put them in a drop box for the Lion’s Club this year.

The agendas of politicians are created by lobbyists and not by the American People. I hope this changes too or not only will I be pissed off, I will be forced to go into the restroom of a corporate “home office” notorious for it’s lobbying, and leave the water running in the sink after I wash my hands.

The judicial system has broken down and unfair to those of low socioeconomic status. Adequate representation is no longer affordable for the average citizen. I am going to start using liquid soap.

Many politicians demonstrate proclivity to prioritize oil interests over human rights and the environment. This has a dramatic impact on the rights of women, children, the poor, grasslands and animals. Sadly, to make my point on this issue I will not do anything about soil erosion in my yard this spring.

If no changes occur, I will be forced to buy items with more packaging and driving my car an extra day every week until something happens.


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